XWiki in Google Summer of Code 2009

19 Mar 2009 5 min read

Google has just announced the participating mentoring organizations for Google Summer of Code 2009, and we are happy to announce that XWiki was selected to participate, for its fifth consecutive year!


In a few words: "Google Summer of Code is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects. Historically, the program has brought together over 2,400 students with over 230 open source projects, to create millions of lines of code. The program, which kicked off in 2005, is now in its fifth year."

For more information about how GSoC works, please see the program FAQ.

Last summer, 31 projects in total were proposed by XWiki and ten of them were selected: Collaborative Business Drawing in GWT, Distributed XWiki Search Engine, Office Import, Presentation Application, SSO and OpenID Support, Watch UI & ergonomics improvements, WebDAV API, XWiki Offline improvements, REST API, and Syntax validation, coloring and suggestion in XEclipse. Eight of these projects were considered successful, and 3 of the participating students are still very active contributors in our community.

Lots of the things that started as GSoc projects, like XEclipse, Office Import, WebDAV interface, were included in our products.

The student application period did not start yet, but we already started interacting with the community. If you want to participate in this wonderful summer experience, don't procrastinate, this is the time to get started!

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