LearnPAd Kick-Off Meeting in Pisa

24 Feb 2014 5 min read

We recently went to Pisa for the kick-off of LearnPAd, an FP7 european project. There were three meeting days that were spent discussing the launch of the project with all the partners:

  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) [Italy]
  • BOC Asset Management GmbH (BOC) [Austria]
  • LINAGORA GSO (LIN) [France]
  • No Magic Europe (NME) [Lithuania]
  • Regione Marche (MAR) [Italy]
  • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FNHW) [Switzerland]
  • University of Camerino (UNICAM) [Italy]
  • University of l'Aquila (UDA) [Italy]

It was a very nice kick-off! A few presentations to start the first work packages were made. We also brainstormed and identified the first ideas. Note sure it was that hard emoticon_smile

We also had nice discussions about a draft of the platform architecture, where XWiki will play a central role.


It was a nice group dynamic for starting a project...

and a nice city to visit



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