Showcasing The Future Of Our WYSIWYG Editor

25 Mar 2008 5 min read

We've started working on the next version of our XWiki's WYSIWYG editor. The current implementation of our editor is getting old and we're preparing its future actively. One of its greatest new features wil be the possibility for 2 people to edit the same wiki page in real time. Watch out the demo from Ludovic below :

In the movie, you can see how text entered in one of the browsers is automatically synchronised with content in the other one. In this example, both browsers are on the same computer, but the editor would work the same way with a local browser and a remote browser located in Alaska. Conflict are handled automatically at the level of a letter : if I input "blop" while you're typing "blurp" in the same location, we'll end up with "blopblurp", without conflict.

We're really excited about this incoming product improvement and working very hard to make it real as soon as we can. We hope we'll be able to deliver a working prototype by the end of September : keep your fingers crossed !

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