Solr is coming!

28 Jun 2013 5 min read

The XWiki development team has been actively developing a new search engine (based on Apache Solr) since XWiki 4.3. It's been experimental so far but we've now reached a level of quality that we think good enough to make it available to everyone. Thus we'll be making it the default search engine in XWiki 5.1.


We've decided to rewrite XWiki's search in order to offer a better search experience, especially:

  • More relevant results and extracts in search results,
  • Faceted search,
  • Better advanced searching,
  • Support for clustering,
  • Google-like searching (i.e. no need to use wildcards),
  • Better translation support,
  • Improved performances,
  • And generally speaking all the niceties provided by Apache Solr.

See for more details.

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